B.Culture – Beef Garum 100ml

229 kr

Fantastiske Beef Garum fra B.Culture

Varenummer: 4603 Kategori: Stikkord: ,


Dette er en biff-garum produsert av biff fra Annis, økologisk byggkoji og salt. Brukes som flytende krydder til kjøtt eller fisk, eller bakgrunnssmaksforsterker for sauser og glasurer. Smaken er best forklart slik: Tenk deg å presse et konsentrat fra en perfekt stekt biff. Dyp, rik og intens, men avrundet. b.culture was founded by Will Moffat and Mikael Svensson in November 2020. In the fall we sat down for a meeting to discuss having Will produce a specific miso that was unavailable on the Norwegian market, as well as the possibility of utilising different byproducts from Kontrast and fermenting them into something that could be reintroduced to the menu or even sold. This was the beginning of b.culture. When Will had first moved to Oslo, Kontrast was the top restaurant of interest, not only for the caliber of food and service they were offering, but the focus on seasonality as well as working sustainably with both staff and ingredients while holding a Michelin star. Over the past few years Will and Mikael had been in touch about different products while Will was developing the fermentation program as sous chef at Hrimnir ramen with the goal of cutting food waste through different fermentation methods while working with microbiologist David Quist. The founding concept of b.culture is to work as locally as we can, implementing techniques from all over the globe to transform byproducts from Kontrast and other sources into unique premium items. We want to make these accessible for the Norwegian market instead of a few isolated places. Everything is organic and/or repurposed because we love the planet.



1 flaske holder til mye moro på kjøkkenet.

Minimum 5 måneder.


Kan fryses?


Smaksforsterker. Brukes til det aller meste. Boost en suppe, en saus, en gryte eller pensle en biff eller et stykke fisk. Funker også fantastisk til grønnsaksretter.


Organic Barley
Koji (Gluten)
